Dear All,

We have great pleasure in inviting you all to our next Pluralogue:

A dance to the music of violence – an account of attachment-based psychoanalytic psychotherapy with a survivor of past chronic, unremitting violence and abuse.

With: Helen Cordery

Date: Sunday 27 November 2016

About the Pluralogue

For those new to this event, the Pluralogue is a space where we get together to both learn and socialise, meet some new colleagues and find out what others are up to, as well as enjoy some food and drink whilst digesting new ideas.

The term ‘Pluralogue’ was coined by Doron many years ago, to depict moving beyond monologue to dialogue… to Pluralogue (the conversation of many).

We hope to learn together and from each other in the form of a learning community in a friendly atmosphere with the added fun of dining together. The added bonus is that we structure it as a CPD event so you will actually be able to count it as CPD hours (a CPD certificate will be provided as well).

About the topic

In this presentation, Helen describes her work with ‘Maggie’, a woman who survived severe domestic violence at the hands of an ex-partner. Her childhood was also marred by violence, this time from her father. The profound effect of these experiences and their impact on Maggie’s relationship with herself, her body and with significant others in her life is examined through the lens of the attachment-based psychoanalytic psychotherapy she has engaged in with Helen over several years.

Helen will focus on attachment and relational viewpoints to expand on her work with Maggie, using verbatim material from the therapy where helpful. The work with Maggie spans Helen’s development as a psychotherapist, with her developing awareness of non-verbal communication between client and therapist, and vice versa. As such, the presentation will be of interest to clinicians who are keen to develop their awareness of working with the impact of violence, as well as working with non-verbal/implicit communication.

About Helen Cordery

Helen is an attachment-based psychoanalytic psychotherapist and is passionate about working relationally. She completed her training at the Bowlby Centre in 2012, and registered with the UKCP in 2014.

She works in private practice at various locations, including Gray’s Inn Road. She also teaches counselling and psychotherapy at WPF Therapy and at Wimbledon Guild Counselling.

Clinically, her interests include eating disorders, trauma (both relational trauma and the trauma of catastrophic events), and life transitions.

For more information about Helen, please see


1pm–2pm: Lunch

2pm–3pm: Presentation

3pm–3.30pm: Tea break

3.30pm–5pm: Discussion

Venue and booking information

When: Sunday 27 November 2016 1pm–5pm

For venue details and to book: Email us at

Please use your name + PL15 as reference.

Looking forward to seeing you,

Warm regards,

Doron and Darren

Doron Levene – 07932 844 023
Darren Cheek – 07956 891110