We are very excited to host for our next Pluralogue a dear friend, artist and photographer, Aviv Yaron. Aviv will share with us his ongoing work titled: ‘In Another Place’
With: Aviv Yaron
Date: Sunday 25 March 2018
Venue: Relational Spaces, Room 2, First floor, Elizabeth House, 39 York Road, Waterloo, SE1 7NQ (Get directions)
About the topic
In Aviv’s own words:
“‘In Another Place’ is a body of work linking landscape and memory, whilst visiting trauma sites of what used to be, until 1948, Arab villages in Palestine. It presents a longing for a-place-of-being which no longer exists; a home, which is by now eroded by layers of contradicting historical narratives.
“It took me 45 years (17 years of which living in a different country) to suddenly be confronted by the realism that a substantial amount of Israeli homes are established on the grounds of what used to be, until 1948, Arab villages. Ever since childhood I have been seduced by the Israeli countryside – its breathtaking nature, and its ancient history. The traditional Palestinian settlements dotted amongst its landscape, and the farmland terrain surrounding them, perfectly matched a Judeo-Christian romantic perception I somehow adopted of the Holy Land and its ‘natives’ – my ancestors.
“It was as if Palestinians never had a past of their own. Their ‘native’ ways were but a mere simulation to a past of the real, rightful, owners of the place we now all shared. After all, this was our promised land, not theirs, and I was part of those privileged chosen people – always aware of our history of constantly fighting to maintain these ancient divine rights and the desire to exist as a nation.
“There was never a real allowance for an eye-level consideration of ‘the other’ occupants of the land, or indeed, an empathetic view of their own ties to that very same land, and the meaning these held for them. The signs and traces I have encountered during my travelling, then, to what used to be other people’s homes, where I never explored beyond a romantic nostalgia. Nowadays, any clues to a Palestinian past, in these vacant places I visit, are barely etched into a landscape which was encouraged to camouflage tragedies of its modern history. In Another Place’ is a self reflective examination of a place – holding in mind its untold history.”
About Aviv
Aviv Yaron has been practising photography professionally – both commercially and as an artist – since 1991. See Aviv’s work on his Instagram channel.
Starting as a still life photographer, he then progressed – with the advancements in digital imagery – to find himself at the forefront of that technological revolution.
Commercially, Aviv has immersed himself in providing visual effects photography for computer-generated imagery – becoming an expert practitioner in both the analogue and the digital realms of image-making.
Both worlds have influenced his artistic endeavour, where he is in search of the direct contact with the photographic material and the intentions that motivate the creative process.
“My photography is about ritualising ways of ‘contemplative seeing’. It is about responding to states of presence – resonating inner and outer landscapes whilst engaged in a ‘visual poetry’. At that moment, the camera is no longer separating the world from the photographer. To me, this is a ‘decisive observation’. It is both a psychological peak – a response to unconscious motivations – and a spiritual one, whereby the captured image contains both the subject and the photographer…” Aviv
About the Pluralogue
For those new to this event, the Pluralogue is a space where we get together to both learn and socialise, meet some new colleagues and find out what others are up to, as well as enjoy some food and drink whilst digesting new ideas.
The term ‘Pluralogue’ was coined by Doron many years ago, to depict moving beyond monologue to dialogue… to Pluralogue (the conversation of many).
We hope to learn together and from each other in the form of a learning community in a friendly atmosphere with the added fun of dining together. The added bonus is that we structure it as a CPD event so you will actually be able to count it as CPD hours (a CPD certificate will be provided as well).
1pm–2pm: Lunch
2pm–3pm: Presentation
3pm–3.30pm: Tea break
3.30pm–5pm: Discussion
Booking information
Places cost £35.
To confirm your booking please email us at therapyroomsuk@gmail.com and we will reply with details of how to pay.
Please use your name + PL21 as reference.
We look forward to seeing you there!
Warm regards,
Doron, Dianne, Darren and Cressy
07848 013 328
07426 336 322
Photos reproduced with kind permission by Aviv Yaron.