RS private community event

Dear Relational Spaces practitioners,

It is that time again…!

You are cordially invited to our “RS informal summer-type gathering!”


  • Saturday 29 June 2019 6.30pm–9.30pm
  • welcomes etc at 7pm
  • but feel free to drop in at any point throughout the evening – and stay for as little or as long as you like!


37/41 Gower Street

  • 3 mins’ walk from Goodge Street station
  • 5 mins’ walk from Euston Square station
  • 8 mins’ walk from Tottenham Court Road station

See map

What could you bring!?

A little food contribution for the table would be very welcome – but not compulsory!

Please note this will be a very relaxed event and really just an excuse to be together for a few hours.

As such we won’t be catering massively for this one.

But we’ll provide the obvious crisp and nut selections, and all the hot/cold/boozy/non-boozy beverage options.

Anything else you should know!?

Any ideas for appropriate group games or exercises that you might like to lead at a point during the evening are very welcome.

We certainly won’t spend the evening doing these/playing games – but it might be fun to have one or two in the bag.

Also – any little people that belong to you are also very welcome.

Please RSVP either way

Even if it is a ‘no’ – and we hope it’s a ‘yes’ – we’d like to know for numbers please (even if it’s a ‘possibly’ too!)

Please click here now to RSVP, or email the usual address.

We look forward to seeing you there!

Dianne, Doron, Cressy and Darren