What practitioners say

What some of the therapists who rent our rooms say about Relational Spaces:

David Corr

“In early 2014 I was urgently looking to find a new space to rent in London. To be honest all I was seeking was a decent enough room, at an affordable rent, somewhere near Waterloo.

“Eventually, I found a lovely room, an affordable rent near my desired location.

“What I hadn’t been anticipating was the absolute genuine warmth and caring from my new landlords. In fact, landlord is a wholly inadequate term. Technically correct, maybe. But, Dianne, Doron and latterly Darren have created something way beyond the typical landlord–tenant dynamic.

“Relational Spaces is true to its name; a genuine caring, supportive and inspiring community. The work they have put in to develop the beautiful websites, the web group and the inspirational Pluralogues is testament to their commitment to not only create a wonderful therapeutic community but also to make a difference in the world.

“I cannot recommend Relational Spaces highly enough, and would like to convey my deep respect for and gratitude toward Dianne, Doron and Darren. The 3 D’s who are all A+++.”

Juliet McDonnell

“I have really appreciated the core team – chiefly your support and flexibility while I found the right fit in terms of location, days and times for my practice. Having someone to talk it through when I was making changes and decisions was very, very helpful.

“The What Next..!? group is a great innovation, a fast track into the community. It was fascinating to meet other therapists and to explore our shared challenges and differences. We explored the possibilities for collaboration. All of this contributed to my confidence in private practice.

“The email group is also surprisingly interesting and helpful (instead of email traffic which I was wary of). It is nice to feel connected and the sharing of referrals, resources and cultural events is brilliant.

“My clients appreciate the location and the character of the consulting room. They often comment on the style of the room – and that it’s private, quiet, comfortable.”

View Juliet’s profile on Relational Spaces

Eleanor Bigden

“I appreciate the straightforward, practical and well-balanced support that being part of Relational Spaces provides.

“Having worked in the NHS for 13 years and been overwhelmed by ever increasing email admin, to then enjoying the solitary independence of private practice for several years, I was pleasantly surprised to discover a community that had found sensible ways to get a great balance between providing support and networking, whilst offering total choice about levels of engagement.

“The unpressured freedom to dip in and out of contact levels has felt reassuring and healthy. The way practitioners use the network always comes across as very constructive. I’ve been able to refer clients to colleagues for specific areas of expertise, and received referrals in a way that’s been positive and streamlined.

“I’ve been able to swap ideas with colleagues too, and it’s uplifting to be part of a greater whole, where it’s clear that others are on the same page of wanting to provide a great service for their clients.”

Susan Quilliam

“When you take a room with the Relational Spaces, you don’t just get… a room.

“Admittedly, the rooms themselves are excellent. They’re not only well designed and furnished, but have added touches such as full soundproofing, paper and crayons for drawing exercises, blankets for relaxation work, not to mention endless supplies of paper handkerchiefs. In short, a sympathetic environment created for caring professionals by caring professionals.

“But in addition to the rooms come so many added extras. Excellent day-to-day administration so you don’t have to worry about the logistics. Friendly and responsive practical backing, so any problems are solved quickly and effectively. Plus, occasional workshops to enhance your professional knowledge and expertise. Frequent courses to help you build and develop your practice. Regular networking meetings to connect you with colleagues. Even a Christmas party!

“When you join Relational Spaces, you join a community that supports your professional practice – and through that, supports your clients and supports you.”

View Susan’s profile on Relational Spaces

Dominic Cookson

“When I started out in private practice I was looking for a room to rent. As soon as I made contact with Relational Spaces I felt welcomed into their community.

“From the outset I was offered advice and guidance that helped me to grow my practice, and the team are always there should I need any extra support.

“I have access to training, referrals, peer supervision, networking and social events and I feel that I am part of a group whose knowledge and support I can call upon throughout the year. This has given me the confidence and encouragement I needed to grow in my role as a counsellor.”

Jan O’Mahony

“Four years ago I returned to London after living and working for over 18 years in the west country. I knew no other therapists here so went online to find a consulting room, but found so much more: a whole community of therapists.

“While the community offers great online support, such as referrals and pointers to interesting events, what I have found most valuable are the meet ups: CPD events where there is plenty of opportunity to connect with other therapists with a wide range of orientations and work experiences, all accompanied by delicious food.

“There was one occasion when someone flagged up a good play at the Vaults and 20 of us from the community went to it, and afterwards had great discussion of the play accompanied by a pint or two. Yes, food and drink are a significant part of our meet ups!”

View Jan’s profile on Relational Spaces

Niki Costas Tanto

“I’m so pleased to be a member of Relational Spaces. Previously, I had spent a very long time looking for suitable premises for my psychotherapy practice and I finally found what I was looking for when I encountered Relational Spaces.

“What I was looking for was a consulting room service that offered a pristine and professional environment along with a comforting and relaxing atmosphere and this is exactly what I have.

“Working in private practice can at times be isolating. As well as wonderful rooms, Relational Spaces offers a forum for CPD and networking with other professionals, which I have found hugely rewarding.

“The Relational Spaces staff are extremely helpful and accommodating and I am proud to be running my private practice within the realm of Relational spaces.”

View Niki’s profile on Relational Spaces

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